Miskolci Egyetem,
Gépészmérnöki és Informatikai Kar
AUTOMATIZÁLÁSI ÉS INFOKOMMUNIKÁCIÓS INTÉZET Cím: 3515 Miskolc, Egyetemváros Tel: 46-565-140, 46-565-000/1776, 46-565-111/1776 Email: intezet |
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Kód: | GEVAU519B-a |
Felelõs: | Prof. Dr. Vásárhelyi, József |
Képzés(ek): |
Embedded Systems overview Example Embedded Systems and their Requirements Processor technologies and IC technologies Design technologies Processors (custom single purpose general purpose and standard single purpose) Memory Interfacing Soft processors and hard processors (PicoBlaze MicroBlaze PowerPC ARM) Peripherals Embedded all programmable SOC Design Flow Embededd Development Kit Software debugging Event handlers timers System on a Chip Architecture and Code Structure A code walk through Board evaluation in software Board evaluation in hardware.
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