Miskolci Egyetem,
Gépészmérnöki és Informatikai Kar
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Zayer, Salam Mohammed:
Investigation of a New Analog to Digital Converter exploiting Hybrid Reconfigurability
Megjegyzés: A new architecture of an analog to digital converter has been created using hybrid reconfigurable design. Here modeling and simulation are ready and validated. The promising results show that the new architecture can be considered for high performance applications that require analog sensors. The next step is to implement the digital part on FPGA using XSG and the analog part on FPAA. Then create a PCB of the solution. The connector should be PMOD type. The application of this ADC is its implementation for precision altimetery.
Outcomes of the project: the student will acquire knowledge on how to drive a scientific/engineering project, how to create a high-performance reconfigurable embedded system dedicated for signal processing applications considering rapid prototyping. Get familiar with sensors, actuators and mixed signal processing. The project may result in scientific publications
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